Content, legal terms and responsibilities is a website whose ownership belongs to Best Way Congresos y Azafatas, S.L., with address in c/ Zabaleta, 44, 28002, Madrid and with N.I.F. nº: B82432857. In principle, the use of the website is free of charge, and in some cases, such use may be subject to General Conditions and Special Conditions of use. Therefore, the access and use of the services of the web will mean the acceptance of these Conditions.
Conditions of use
The web contains contents elaborated by the owners of the same one, which have merely informative aims, since in some occasion, these could not reflect the most recent actuality, reason why in any moment the above mentioned contents could be modified and/or replaced by new ones, without previous notification, nor any responsibility.
The Contents of the web cannot be considered, in any case, as a substitute for legal advice, or any other type of advice. There will not exist any type of commercial, professional relationship, nor any other type of relationship with the professionals that integrate the web by the mere fact of the access to it on the part of the users. In the case of links to different web pages,, will not be responsible for their content as it has no control over them. When the user accesses the website, he/she does so at his/her own risk. does not guarantee neither the speed nor the uninterruption. Likewise, the owner of the web, and collaborators cannot be held responsible for any damages derived from the use of this web, nor for any action carried out on the basis of the information provided therein.
Although we make every effort to ensure the security of the website, we do not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or files of the user of this website. Consequently, it is not liable for damages that such elements may cause to the user or third parties.